Originally Posted by Martian
Things are going well. Don't fixate, don't think you're in love and do not set up expectations now. She may decide that she doesn't like you. She may have decided that early on Friday night and spent the rest of the evening being polite while privately thinking 'why won't this jerk leave me alone?'. She may meet another guy between now and your next date and decide she'd rather be with him. She may even have already decided that you'd make a better friend than lover. She may do or have done all of those things, or she may be madly head-over-heels in love with you. The direct approach here will likely only result in making everyone uncomfortable and may even destroy what you've built up so far. So my advice to you now is to take things slowly and just go with the flow. If you don't set any expectations of how this is going to develop then you won't be hurt or disappointed when they aren't met and if things don't work out for the best you can smile and truly say 'all the best' to her.
Or that's my two cents, anyway.
Man this is so true. I think its something that experience builds you up to be able to do what you said; first times are always tricky and well, you fall over pretty darn fast over nothing... at least I did.