Originally Posted by Elphaba
Ummm... I shouldn't be jumping in here ahead of ajpresto, but I think he would agree that a Rorschach evaluation is only as good as the interpreter. There are stimili in the blots in which it would easily be deemed "over active imagination," when, in truth, "creativity" might be the influencing factor.
William, the Rorschach has not achieved the same degree of validity as other psych tests, because of the high variance in test interpretation. Also, the Rorschach was developed during a time (Freudian Analysis), where individuality was not considered a positive value. It certainly is a poor tool in measuring creativity.
No, letting your imagination go has not ended. Someone has chosen an assessment tool that I would consider long past due for a toss into the trash bin. Just my 2 cents.
I completely agree. Sorry for the short post, but... that's the exact point I was trying to make.