Originally Posted by Impetuous1
Can a relationship between someone who is polyamorous by nature, but currently monogamous to please their mate, and someone who is monogamous by nature work or is the difference just too great? Especially when the monogamous person is now ready to settle down.
There is a lot of information packed into this little question...
I think to a degree everybody is polyamorous. It seems to be evolutionarily based... In the bad ol' days, men would want to spread their seed as wide as possible to ensure that they would have lots of babies to keep the species going. Women, on the other hand, would want to have as many babies as possible since some of them probably wouldn't survive or probably would be killed early in their lives. So, the first assumption I'm working with is that most people are polyamorous.
However, I don't know exactly what that means in this context. And, most people have been socialized to accept a monogamous lifestyle, as this is typically most accepted in this culture. There are some pockets where polyamorous lifestyles are accepted, such as some variants of Mormonism, etc, but most cultures, even mainstream Mormonism, endorses monogamous situations.
So, I guess I need some clarification on what you mean by being polyamorous. Is this something you could "work through?" What does this polyamorism look like?