Originally Posted by ryfo
I have been diagnosed with panic disorder and anxiety, but am quite comfortable around certain people and not others. Got a way for me to explain this to people without them check ing for the men in white coats?
Sorry for the slow responses to this thread. Work has gotten crazy busy.
Panic Disorder and Anxiety Disorders are typically triggered by stressors such as certain people or situations. It's a type of fight or flight response that is out of control... humans have evolved to have an automatic response to dangerous situations... either run away or beat up whatever is coming after you. I think I heard that they have added the "hide" response, which is really like flight but limited to a degree.
So, anyway, you may be experiencing an inappropriate amount of fight or flight response to normal situations. But there are different situations that trigger this differently for different people. Most people would run away if they were walking in the woods and came across a bear. Some people would turn around and fight, especially if they are carrying a gun or some other circumstances exist. So, that's a normal response to a stressor.
If you have anxiety disorder (which I may be developing myself..) when you go to a normal situation, like to your office at work, you start having those anxiety reactions... your heart rate increases, your palms get sweaty, you feel a need to get out of there.... normal reactions to a true anxiety producing situation, in an inappropriate circumstance.