It is old school to believe that baby's are expanding their lungs. Lungs are organs, and do not expand or grow stronger with use. My mom use to tell me the same thing. She thought I was spoiling my babies and making them week by responding to their cries so quickly. But they are happy and well adjusted and healthy children now.
Sometimes babies just have fussy periods. I know our baby did. Every evening around 6:00 he would fuss and/or cry for up to an hour or two. Whenever possible I would walk him, rock him, hold him, sing to him -- assure him that I love him and want to meet his needs. However, when I started to stress, I would hand him off or put him down. It is much better to leave him to scream alone, then for me to abuse him (never came close -- don't worry!) It seems that our baby went through that until he began moving around more.
The basic message -- it is normal, don't worry, and handle it the best way you can (including taking care of yourself in the process.)
BTW -- you may consider getting the book, What to Expect the First Year. It has excellent pieces of information in it, including how to deal with fussy periods.
Also -- congratulations!
If you can go deeply into lovemaking, the ego disappears. That is the beauty of lovemaking, that it is another source of a glimpse of god
It's not about being perfect; it's about developing some skill at managing imperfection.