The sun
(inspired by you)
At this point
the sun
on the horizon
could be going down
or coming. Both are
pleasant experiences.
In one, you lie
quietly, allowing the
whole, dark, to envelope
you, swallow you up;
rise up to meet it,
bringing you into a
state of dreamy
release. Sweet.
The other begins at
that blackest of
moments at night,
and ever so slowly
(yes, you must go slow),
the shapes begin to be
outlined, the black is
the colors begin to hue,
and brighten, and build,
and just as that wonderful
glorious orb breaks over
the plane, the explosion
of light and color washes
over you: you
basking in warmth,
the glow, the
beauty of a new dawn.
See? This seems to be
all I am able to picture
with thoughts of you
coursing through me.
And of course,
I do not mind at all.
-- 11 oct 1999
10th sig ~> "How many a dispute could have been deflated into a single paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms?" -- Aristotle