Shani sounds like she has pretty much said what I would have said.
About the putting baby down and walking away. It sounds harsh, and a lot of people will disagree with this tactic (you will make your own decision, you're the mom not any one of us) but sometimes this is what it takes. If you get to the point that you start freaking out and don't know what to do, the last thing you want is to have the baby in your arms. They have an amazing ability to feed off mommy's energies and your stress could actually make her feel worse (please don't blame yourself, this isn't whats causing it, it just amplifies it for some sensitive and intuitive babies.) After you've put him down and calmed down a bit, you can always pick him back up and try to comfort him again. Whatever happens don't be discouraged. You and baby will be fine. If it is colic, I've read and been told it will only last until about the 3 month mark, which seems like a long time now, but once it's over you will realize it really wasn't. My youngest is 3 months old and the time has flown by.
If you are breastfeeding, then this next part probibly doesn't apply. However, if you are breastfeeding and drinking cows milk, you might want to consider cutting it out for a few days and see if it helps any. Some babies have a hard time with dairy when breastfeeding. This however doesn't soundlike it's a digestive reaction, but more like colic as its the same time every night.
I've also been told that putting baby on a soy or lactose-free formula will help decrease the stress on his digestive system, as many babies have a hard time processing cow's milk protiens. My first daughter was on a low iron formula, second on soy and my third is on regular simalac with iron. The advanced stuff seems to make babies more gassy, even the nurses at the hospital agreed.
My other favorite item for all three of my babies was Mylicon gas drops (or any store brand, the name brand can be expensive). Here's a good link for you to check out too:
Mylicon Drops I love babycenter for information, but I did have to learn to make my own decisions and follow my gut.
Someone once also said Gripe water was good for colicy babies. I have no hands on experience with colic, but you could also look into that to see if it might help his little tummy.
Take him to a pediatritian for his well baby checkups and talk to him about different formulas and what you could change to help make you and your baby more comfortable while going through this stage.
Last but not least follow your gut. You may not be experienced with other babies, but this one is yours, and you are going to know if something isn't right. If you don't get the answers you think you needed to hear, take him to see someone else and ask again. Make your doctor listen to your questions and give answers, that's their job...
If ever you just want someone to listen while you vent, rant and freak out, you are more then welcome to e-mail me, or aim: sunflwr079. I hope this helped, and I hope you and baby will find peace soon!
Gripe Water