Originally Posted by motdakasha
On a slightly related topic, I attended a lecture given by a well-known feminist (whose name escapes me at the moment) talking about cross cultural issues. She said that the fastest possible method to force everyone to deal with this issue face to face is for white women to date men of color (color, meaning not just black). She said it doesn't work the other way around because when a white man dates a woman of color, she's exoticized, she's his pet, so it doesn't work in most cases because in most cultures women are supposed to be demure. Obviously, people shouldn't go out and breed based on color to eliminate the issue, but it's an interesting theory I thought I'd bring up.
So what's keeping white women from being "exoticized" (whatever that means) by men of other races? I think this well-known feminist is displaying her bigotry towards white males and little else.
Originally Posted by Janey
naaah it's not racism. there's no degredation based on colour or race. There only a very strong (traditionally based) desire for us to keep to our own kind. As a CBC, though, it is something that I struggle against. And therefore have to educate my traditionally minded parents.
Please note that they don't wish for white people to sit at the back of the bus, but just want their daughter to stick within what they know.
nope, not racism.
Sorry, but this is completely racism whether you want to acknowledge it or not. This is the basic justification for every manifestation of racism anywhere in society. Somehow in your mind if someone uses this idea to justify seperate drinking fountains based on skin color it's racist, but when it's used to disallow boys and girls of different colors from kissing then it's not racist?
I've had a fair amount of experience with this topic myself. In high school I dated an east indian girl and it basically never went anywhere because she was so deathly afraid of her parents finding out. After we stopped seeing eachother we were both on the cross country team and my parents would talk to hers if they saw them at a race. She asked me to tell my parents not to talk to hers, to which I naturally said "no." She quit the team soon after.