Originally Posted by Hash_Browns
I must concur! I don't much enjoy the ear thing like I used to, along with a lot of things since I've had my first child (don't know why...certain things are a HUGE turn off now...I actually hate it...but that's another thread!).
The problem with my SO is that he slurps in my ear or makes these little noises that totally send icky signals to my brain and make me shudder with the exact opposite feelings he's trying to instill at the moment...I have done the pulling away thing, explained to him what's happening, but he doesn't seem to understand what part is the wrong part, he's changed everything BUT that part!
I was like that maybe for the first month post baby, I didn't want to be touched, god forbid I have someone running saliva down my ear.. thereafter, my libido seemed to have hit some sort of kickstart. Have no idea where it came from. It was like 'oh hello havent seen you in a while'
I would agree on where the slurpy surround sound would be bothersome and heck I applaud you for being able to tell him so without it hurting his ego...Maybe instead of telling him what he isn't doing right, pin extra praise on the times he DOES nibble the right way (if he ever does??) tell him how you like it instead of telling him how you don't like it. That may work...
Still..i love ear nibbles...especiallly when some of the warm air is breathed out and slightly brushes against your ear..