it's not just scotland. a young woman in oregon was just convicted of filing a false police report because a judge didn't think she "acted like" she had gotten raped since she didn't want to shower after the assault. the alledged perps all had different stories, but they got believed, and she was legally convicted of being a liar.
there's a lot that can be done to make the courts tougher on rapists, without losing the protection of the falsly accused. sheild laws are hugely important. a victim's history or clothing, or whatever...should not be up for cross examination, unless the judge can be convinced that it really does matter to the defence.
people in the system need education if they're going to be working these cases. the judge in oregon, for example. he knows one fact...many survivors of sexual assault/rape will overshower to try to feel clean afterwards. but in a classic case of knowing just enough to be dangerous, he doesn't have a clue that that has no function as a acid test of if someone is truthful or not...and that for some, even getting undressed to shower is too much.
there's no excuse for ill-educated judiciary in these matters. i think judges/prosecutors ought to have special certification and training before being allowed to hear/try such cases.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16