I heard about this, and I wanna know exactly what he was shot with, caliber, bullet weight, brand, where he was hit and how man shots dropped him, and how long it took him to die.
in case this is unclear, I really dont think it was a bad thing that he was shot, unless what time is reportijng is true, and he never mentioned anything about a bomb.
does anyone have a pic of this guy, unless he at least LOOKS like hes of middle eastern descent, well, lets just say this, I feel that people who fit the physical description of terrorists should be the ones who get the most wayward eyes, our society says profiling like that is wrong, but whatever.
Ron Paul '08
Vote for Freedom
Go ahead and google Dr. Ron Paul. You'll like what you read.
Last edited by ziadel; 12-08-2005 at 11:54 PM..