Originally Posted by leftyderek
It's cool that both of you are Lefties! (It's also interesting that you capitalized 'Lefties'  ) I have always wondered, is left handedness a genetic thing? Like, is it some kind of recessive genes? Because I've heard left handed parents having right handed kids (which is weird if it's genetic), or vice versa (which makes a bit more sense if both of the parents are something like Rr and Rr- then they can have 'rr' kids... hope someone get what I mean here-)
Uh? How do you use scissors upside down? I mean... aren't they just the same even if you hold them upside down?

I never realized I capitalized Lefty
My grandfathers paternal and maternal are Lefties
A couple of uncles too.
My wife's dad too, don't know the rest.
It does seem to have genetic trends.
the slant goes the other way upsidedown
thumb goes into the big hole
index finger in the small hole
edit: That sounds kinda' dirty

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