Originally Posted by Ustwo
I'm a big fan of health savings accounts with pre-tax dollars, but thats another issue.
So am I. I opened one a couple of years ago but can only afford putting in about $3 - $5K per year and I'm 56 so it won't grow very much for me. But all young people should open these and maybe when they get to be my age they will have a lot for medical needs (I think when they get 65 they can use it for any reason). Also if people are spending their own money maybe they will shop better for doctors/dentists. Not much we can do about hospital costs though.
If I know someone has 5 kids and is paying me out of pocket, I tend to lower my fee, but if I found out they had full coverage do I have the same feelings? Hell no. And the patients, do they dicker over the fee when they have full coverage? Never, not once.
I have no doubt that you run your personal practice in a reasonable and professional manner and if I lived near your office I would certainly use your service if you had an opening. I would rather you based your charge on competitive reasons instead of out of your sense of fairness but I'd take it either way.