Originally Posted by Gatorade Frost
Are you seroiusly comparing a terrorist attack that killed nearly 3000 people the same as shooting a person who's threatening to bomb a plane?

I'm comparing one person doing a tough job with another (group of people) doing a tough job. Both are traumatic situations - firefighters, for example, die all the time when buildings go on fire and fall on them. It is a basic component of the job. You should be able to "handle it" no? Whether one dies, 6 die or 1000 die. But hundreds quit, went on leave, or ended up on pills after not only 9/11 but many other tragic situations. They were never unworthy of the job, as some here contend. You don't know until it happens.
As one of the few people here to have, for several years, carried a gun on the job, I can honestly say I think i would have dealt with it OK, but I don't know for sure, especially if I had had to shoot someone, as the marshall did, who at the end of the day was not an actual threat and who may have been out of his head. Thankfully, I never had to find out.
But I'm sure all the computer drivers here know what bad-ass, stone-cold killers they are. I'm surprised they aren't all in the CIA or something, capping bin Laden and Al-Zaqari all day long.