Originally Posted by Ustwo
Whenever anyone thinks direct government control of parts of the economy will make things better and lower costs I have to question their judgement if not their sanity.
I will agree that the government is very inefficient and should only have control over things that are absolutely necessary like our national defense. Those of you who are against considering nationalizing healthcare offer very few suggestions on how to fix the present system other than getting rid of the insurance companies.
There is little competition in the healthcare industry. About the only price controls there are currently are the result of insurance companies getting doctors and hospitals to agree on rates for certain procedures. With little free market influence the healthcare costs are spiralling out of control and in the not too distant future even the middle class will be priced out of the market.
In order for a market to work there has to be open and visable pricing and free-competitive service providers. Hospitals and doctors seem to have little of either of these. If we can't figure out how to make the healthcare industry into a free market industry than it is probably best that the government step in and control it.
I don't think we should wait too much longer for these industries to become competitive because healthcare is too important to the nation's overall well being. I would feel differently if there were some good ideas on how to fix it but they have to be better than just outlawing insurance companies.