Originally Posted by Mantus
Can some one explain to me why one should not drink from it.
Aging is a part of life... I might not like the fact that I'm getting older, or my ankles creak and my hair gets gray.. but it's a part of life... If people didn't age, and always stayed the same, it'd be boring... I dont look like i did when i was 20 -- i don't act like i did when i was 20... I'm a little more comfortable with who I am now... and aging and what we see in the mirror brings about.
I do beleive in the hereafter - -I'm not sure what it is exactly, but my twisted brain imagines it like a nice warm pub with a roaring fire (yes, sister ann told me I was going to hell when i was in grammar school) and I'd get to see the people i lost again... I want to see them again... Living til the end of time without some people - it's just not worth it.