I live in California, and I had to back up and parallel park for my driving test. But that was many years ago. Want to bet that it depends on the driving examiner?
Good luck with the pickup. Buying from craigslist, the newspaper, or a friend is all the same. Basically, don't trust anybody, not even little old ladies.
Line up a mechanic in advance. Ask him how much for a vehicle check and what kind of notice he'd need to do it. Everything else is up to you; whether you borrow the car or whether the other guy brings it in. I'd ask to borrow it; if the other guys doen't want to do that, let him take it over, but go with him. As for the report, that's from the mechanic directly to you. You get the report from him in person or over the phone. (And you make sure, if you weren't there, that the car he inspected is the car you're buying... it's a dirty trick, but it has happened.)
Anyway, if the seller is a prick about getting the car inspected or tries to force the deal quickly without inspection, get out of there. The car has secrets he doesn't want you to know about -- until it's yours.