A Philosophical Thought
I am new here and would love to engage some philosophical bantering.
So here is a little meat to gnaw on if you are interested.
My personal tenet is that through sharing the diversity of others views and experiences we ourselves grow in strength and wisdom. I believe that we should learn the truths of our existence and of the universe that we share. I hold the belief that truth comes from understanding and that in being true to ourselves this truth will eventually lead to an ideal where we could become honorable and gentle individuals who can offer a better existence for all who seek a more enlightened way.
By exchanging wisdom and knowledge with those who possess far greater wisdom and knowledge than myself only then can I grow and expand. I seek the one Great Truth. I seek wisdom and knowledge. I seek that which I already know but wish to share with another.
If we reduce everything to the elemental child’s level then every expression can only express at minimal so much. The one who perceives the expression may observe what you fail to express and may be able to read into this a certain quantity or quality of ignorance. But depending upon the context and the skill, this reading may be wrong.
While knowledge is placed on the shelf alongside unquestionably good; ignorance is categorized as a thoroughly bad thing -- ranked up there with body odor; dirty hair and stinky feet. Yet ignorance has far more going for it than most people think. Knowledge and ignorance are the two sides of the quarter – heads and tails.
Doesn’t ignorance become more pervasive because of the continuation of new knowledge gained daily? Rather like a system of checks and balances. You cannot have one without the other. Furthermore, does ignorance lead to a slavish and unquestioning dependence on others for potential abuse and exploitation? Yet another question for you – when we exchange knowledge with one another do we reveal our ignorance in the process?
Wisdom is everywhere, and knowledge is useless without it. One gains wisdom and understanding by realizing one's own ignorance and being open towards and seeking new ideas, as well as how better to build upon old ideas (whether they were good or not).
Everything influences everything. But whether the influence is or can be significant depends upon the other forces in the equation.
Recognizing ignorance is very easy. Remembering it and remaining humble to it is the hard part.
Grant me the vision to see beyond the illusions of this world