I only have a PS2, but my roommates have xbox and GC..
I love the FF's, GTA(when they first came out) and unique fighting games like Victorious Boxes, Virtua Fighter 4)... But lately, I havent gotten into a PS2 game that much.. I hope DQ8 changes that.
PS2 seems to get the interesting, 'different' games that are a fun change of pace.
GC, I dont play a lot, but when a bunch of the guys are around, Mario party and Smash Bros are always the best fun..
I however have been playing a LOT of sports games recently.. and Madden, MVP have been ruling my life, and the games just run sooo much faster on the Xbox, and crisper too.. the PS2 loading time for Madden is just ridiculous(anyone else feel that? of is my PS2 dying?.. and are the newer models any faster?) .. and the saves on the hdd is nice too
so I guess, GC for Nintendo fans(I'm one! and I havent met a Nintendo game i disliked)
XBox for FPS and Sports games
and PS2 if you're wanting to get a change of pace from the PC games u've been playing..
ps-i was just looking, but there seems to be a looot of cool PS2 games coming out next yr.. its my preference, but FF12, Kingdom Hearts 2, FF7 spinoffs, and a game called Otaki seem very interesting
I didnt look at 360 games cuz I have no interest in buying one... but the XBox's library seems to be coming to a close.. as most of their exclusive games will be on the 360... But I'm getting MVP06 NCAA Baseball for the Xbox foh shizzle!