Originally Posted by Supple Cow
Are you very uncomfortable with the idea of seeing another doctor? And is it possible for you to go twice? It might be helpful to go see somebody as soon as possible to get an x-ray and whatever else you need out of the way. Then you can always keep your appointment with the familiar face on Friday to talk over things in more detail and discuss what the first doctor told you. I think it would be worth the peace of mind if you can do it.
thank you for your suggestion SC, friday morning was the time i could get in, our local clinic happens to run a tight schedule, so they don't/can't work around the patient's work schedule very often...
i'm trying not to worry about it too much, as i'm sure this may be the first of several appointments concerning this, so i'm just trying my best to chill about it until i know what's going on... being able to vent here has helped tremendously and all of your support everyone has been really lovely and kept me from losing my cool about it
thank you for the information about AUD's and the breast... i do happen to be in a flare up currently, so that may very well be affecting things.... i will certainly do my best to do research. I may end up getting a second opinion of a specialist if i feel it's nessasary... i appreciate your suggestions...