canadian bashing happens all over the world.
even in Canada
american bashing happens all over the world.
even in the states
imho nationalism is so stupid, goes in the same boat as sexism, racism etc...
what it is, I want to be the best...
Ill take hockey for example....
1on1 (ok lame game but just think, same goalies)
male vs female - I would want a male to win since im male
black vs white - I would want a white to win since im white
canada vs USA - i would want USA to win since im from there
canada vs Russia - I would want canada to win since im half canadian and live here.
the examples could go on, its just the way it is, even if it was a blonde hair vs red hair game, I would want the blondes to win since im blonde
its all stupid, its just the way it seems to be though.