Originally posted by seretogis
Here comes a transcript of teh speech in whole. It's a good read if you're pro-globalization and think that America is a nation of war-mongering bullies that no one likes. Otherwise, it falls quite short. As far as commencement speeches go, it is completely inappropriate for a graduation.
Yeah, speeches that espouse views one disagrees with always fall quite short, don't they. An open mind, willingness to listen to ideas that you disagree with, even if only to affirm your own point of view...well, it might be something to try. No thoughts on my last response?
Originally posted by ARTelevision
I'm for freedom of speech.
The people who shouted and interrupted his dull diatribe were exercising theirs.
I'm for freedom of expression.
The guy who pulled the mike plug was exercising his.
I'm for selective support of freedoms. I'm for hypocrisy. I'm for separate but equal. I'm for the government being the final and correct word on what is art and what is smut. I'm for a culture that discourages speaking out against popular opinion. I'm for conformity. I'm for Amerika, land of the free range and the home of security in numbers.
What the hell. Is this whole place going crazy?