Pretty much any post i'm halfway passionate about gets written, and then re-written... and then usually half of it gets deleted and something similar but different is typed to replace it, and then I re-word some things, and then I edit for clarity (read: make a bizarre rant of mine make sense to other people than just myself

). I subtract any odd and superfluous movie references or stream-of-consciousness-type tangents, and (usually several) "your mom" jokes, then solve for Pi.
I've never been on a board where I didn't trust the staff not to be idiots, and this is the only board i've ever stayed on for any period of time. In all seriousness, i sometimes will do a bit of touching-up and re-editing because i might come on stronger than I intend to or use words that make others think i'm mad at them when really i'm just passionate about the subject matter. But, i've never edited a post in response to a mod (before I was a mod) fearing they would treat me unfairly in the future.