Alright, we've basically settled on one of two weekends. Ohh_shesus has mentioned this in another thread, but I wanted to make mention of it here in GD where there is a broader audience.
So...*drumroll*...the next Official Chicagoland Tilted Forum Project Meetup will be...*drumroll continues*...
either the weekend of March 18 or March 25! With that in mind, I am about to make a poll on this thread to allow some voting!
On a side note, I am very happy because part of the reason we decided one of these two weekends would be good is because it is the week of onodrim's spring break so this way she'll be able to make it. As I was making this post, I realized that, since I normally have my spring break the week after onodrim's, I may have finals to study for over one of these weekends. The great news is that, for the first time in 5 years, ono and I have the same spring break