OK, I'll post this here and see if there are any bites. Then I will make a more solid thread later. So Chicago talks and talks, but there is rarely any get-together action. Well, it's time for action. While March is typically chilly, I think that is a month that was decided upon for a get together.
The dates I was thinking of (and others that have talkes about it) are around Saturday the 18th or Saturday the 25. The 18th would be 2 days after my birthday, what a good b-day present for me
Anyway, anyone that has any other dates or can accomodate these dates, let me know. I hope we can get a lot of people here. JJ and I also have some space to sleep people in our apt. building. We have a 2nd bedroom and a couple of guest apartments in the building for a reasonable price. There are also many hotels around us since we are right downtown.
Let us know....