Well, I am not Mal (not even close), but I will try.
1) Your resume should contain education and experience that pertains to the job for which you are being hired. In your case, they will expect to see a significant about of experience from your intern position. If you have other stuff that is relevant, you should add it. They know you are an intern, they know what they are interviewing.
2) Act like a professional. The purpose of an interview is NOT for you to entertain them. If you have several friends/coworkers competing for a single spot - you should take this seriously. Again, the people hiring you already know you - and they know you have a sense of humor. They are probably trying to see whether you are going to embarrass them in important situations/ whether they can trust you with their important clients/ whether you can step up to the challenge.
Being cavalier, arrogant, or laid-back are not qualities I seek in employees. I have passed people up who come into an interview with that sort of attitude. One HAS to know when to take things seriously and when it's time to relax. Interviews are to be taken seriously.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."