I've always respected your opinions and your viewpoints Ever, and reading this saga certainly hasn't diminished them. These sorts of things are never easy and I wish you the best in dealing with the situation. Just wanted to add my observations on a couple of items: First off, it sounds to me like the relationship is over, and those last few smiles and hugs are the sputtering of a dying flame. This is obviously something that has been building up in her and in the relationship for awhile, and things aren’t so easily turned back on. I think you have the right idea by either going 100% or 0%. 50% (or anything in between for that matter) doesn’t work out for long and it doesn’t sound like 100% is an option right now. Second, don’t beat yourself up about choosing to move to be closer to her. At the time you decided that, there were probably quite a few factors that weighed into the decision and you went with the one that seemed the best at the time. Do what you can to make it the best situation for the now as well. Anyway, good luck and I am just one of many hoping for the best possible outcome for you!