Originally Posted by HogansGoat
As cynical and jaded as I am, I have seldom been called naïve or easy to scam, but I seem to continually fall victim to the best scam artists around, The Healthcare Industry.
Then I get a bill for $791. Hahaha, he didn’t have insurance you chortle. Oh but I do, or at least thought I did. I am paying for it. It turns out, “white” fillings in the rear teeth are not covered with my company’s plan. What the hell? How can I make an informed decision if nobody informs me? There are different types of fillings? Am I dentist? Yeah I know ignorance is no excuse, but hey how often do you go to the dentist? Do you know exactly what isn’t covered? I now realize that I have to treat my doctor and dentist like the schmuck at the local computer retailer. I have to become a fucking dentist and a doctor to make sure I don’t get screwed.
Just out of curiosity did you know what the charge would be (whether to you or your insurance company) before you agreed to have the work done and did you compare it with other dentists?
I could be wrong but from what I understand the insurance companies try to control costs by getting healthcare providers to agree to charges for certain procedures. Otherwise a lot of people wouldn't care if the charge was $700 or $7000 as long as their insurance paid for it.
I'm not knocking you, I've been in the same boat, but just pointing out that without some sort of competition via price comparison, healthcare costs will continue to rise. The trend seems to be for more companies and healthcare insurance carriers to cover less and less so we will have to be better price comparison consumers. I haven't figured out a good way to do this yet with most healhcare related issues.