Originally Posted by xepherys
well, that's kind of what government corporations are all about. I've NEVER travelled on Amtrak... I give my money to NWA and Southwest mostly. Oh, and the oil companies. I also ofetn choose to use DHL or UPS or Fedex rather than USPS. *shrug* With government corporations you DO have that choice. In my scenario above, you have a choice to use Comcast, Cox, SBC, BellSouth, et cetera.
The reason you don't use them is, being government, where NO one is really accountable for the bottom line or customer service, they tend to suck, badly.
Also being government they protect themselves from the same rules which apply to real companies. When my wife was almost killed by a post office semi the post office pulled the government card and we were unable to get anything out of them besides bluebook for the car and they paid off her insurance company for the medical bills. Had that been a UPS truck a lawyer friend of mine said that would have been a 30k accident + the rest. Now I'm not arguing that it SHOULD have been 30k paid to her, thats a whole other issue, but when the government finds it odious to play by its own rules, it makes you wonder whats going on.