Hell, I can't make it 5 minutes without either
A) coffee or
B) Beer.
Then I have to ask: Why would I want to live without coffee or beer?
Total hoax. Maybe a miscommunication or a mistranslation?
What if someone asked you, in broken english, "Do you orgy?"
You reply "Not for the last 10 years."
They report in a newspaper in a different language "Man does not have sex for a decade! Incredible!"
Maybe he "Consumes" food or sustinence of some kind, but does not consider it eating? Yes, that is a lot of communal wafers and grape juice, but could a priest last longer than us if he was taking communion 6 times a day? He would not consider that eating, of course. That would be offending his religion.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.