Originally Posted by analog
Sometimes it's just about the harm done.
Example: 1. Woman is punched in the face by her husband one day. She shoots him in the face. Most likely she will receive some sort of sentence, even if something light because of "self defense" (even though being punched in the face isn't a mortal wound).
2a. Woman is punched in the face by her husband, every day, for a year. After a year of it, he hits her one day and she snaps and shoots him in the face. Find me a jury that would convict her of anything, I bet it would never happen.
2b. Woman is punched in the face by her husband, then beaten for 30 minutes or an hour. She fears, though he has made no actual threats to do so, that he will beat her until she dies. She shoots him in the face.
Example: 1. Man is punched in the face by his wife one day. He shoots her in the face. Most likely he will receive some sort of sentence, even if something light because of "self defense" (even though being punched in the face isn't a mortal wound).
--> Doesn't sound right to me now?
2a. Man is punched in the face by his wife, every day, for a year. After a year of it, she hits him one day and he snaps and shoots her in the face. Find me a jury that would convict him of anything, I bet it would never happen.
--> Again I can't see this happening?
2b. Man is punched in the face by his wife, then beaten for 30 minutes or an hour. he fears, though she has made no actual threats to do so, that she will beat him until he dies. He shoots her in the face.
--> Again
Same scenarios, same potential harm, likely different sentences... guys can be abused as well, and a guy doing this is likely to get a worse sentence than a woman abusing a man.