Originally Posted by biznatch
get the ps2 for the metal gear solid series. I realize how fanboyish I sound, but these games are one of the best series ever made.
Also notice how Xbox people can only talk about one game, Halo, and its sequel? I think that's because the rest didn't really shine as much.
Get the new slimiline ps2. its hot.
I actually only liked Halo 2 for its multiplayer mayhem. I've never tried the first Halo. The fact of the matter is most of the great games on XBOX are also on PS2; but the faster speeds that come with having your games on your HDD, and the fact that many of the games ported or co-released for XBOX have better graphics (not all, mind you), makes me recommend XBOX overall. I'd say if you're going for a modified monster with an upgraded HDD, XBOX all the way. If you want games like Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, or Metal Gear: Solid, by all means get a PS2.
PS2 was my first system between the three (PS2, XBOX, and Gamecube), and although I still love the games I played on it all those years, once I got my upgraded XBOX last Christmas season, I must say I've only played my PS2 twice and my Gamecube about 4 times total. What can I say; I'm lazy, and I like fast speeds.