Originally Posted by roachboy
maybe so, but the american version of this is particular, in terms of timing, context and implications. but even if the american version was entirely like those which have preceded it, there would nonetheless be no guarantee that this situation will play out in any given direction. repetition, when you can find it, does not change anything about the choices that are being made in real time. at best, repetition could help to clarify what is at stake in making the wrong choices. that because repetition in history is often located at such a superficial analytic level that is really means nothing. no reassurance to be gathered from thinking that you see it, no transformation of the present dilemmas because you think they have been confronted before.
but i am a star.
no-one leaves a star.
I am hopeful but by no means convinced that we may be able take off the blinders and change things here for the better. I think we are a fairly dynamic people and there may be enough of the revolutionary spirit here to shake up the system.
I think our political system and therefore our myopic outlook is currently locked into a kind of autopilot. A great start would be to replace many of our entrenched polititians but the stranglehold that the two major parties have on our elections does not make me very optimistic at this time.