Originally Posted by CSflim
I disagree completely with Benito and I am uncomfortable with his representation of European people. (I adore "Many of you speak only one or two languages". I only confidently speak two languages, I guess that makes me an idiot, huh?). In his defense he never made any claims of representing anyone other than himself.
I think it is incorrect to claim that most Europeans hate America, or hate Americans, or think that Americans are stupid.
I would say that most Europeans hate America's current president, and find it hard to understand how such a person could possibly become president of the most powerful nation on the planet.
I would also say that to many Europeans, Americans often come across as very arrogant. Also it often appears that Americans know very little, and care even less, about what goes on in the world outside their own borders.
Finally I would add that to many Europeans the US news and media is a joke. (I had regularly seen parodies done of US tv news, but I never realised how awful it actually is until I briefly lived there).
I don't want to make any claims of representing Europe or anything like that, but I tried to put across what I percieve as being the popular opinions of America among many Europeans.
Your thoughts are much more lucid than the OP's. And yes, US media and news is not the best in the world, but we do have some shining lights. NPR does its job and reports stories that other outlets shun for fear Americans will be bored.
Actually you can trace just about everything you said to the media. Americans are ignorant of world news because it's not very easy to GET world news around here. And that's because some moronic consultants have managed to convince media outlets that Americans can't understand world news and will go elsewhere if too much world news is reported.
Bush didn't get elected the first time around - he was appointed by the supreme court and therefore the US stopped being a constitutional republic between 2000 and 2004.
The second time around Bush and his cronies managed to manipulate the sleeping media into scaring the hell out of the citizens in order to secure his reelection. He was helped in this by the fact that his opponent wasn't willing to fight for his campaign, even when Bush came up with lies and halftruths to hurl at Kerry.