Originally Posted by Benito
First, I don't know you so this is not personal, but European people think that Americans are ignorant, sometimes even stupid (which was demonstrated by the answers I got and it is also demonstrated by your filmindustry).
You must be somewhat arrogant to assume that you speak for all European people. My wife escaped from the iron curtain during the Prague Spring and lived in England for several years before getting her citizenship here back in the late 60's. She said the thing that surprised her most was the number of poor people here as well as the number of wealthy and that we seem to have the best and worse of most things in our society.
Now I am not claiming that we are great (however one makes this judgement) but one of our largest strengths is our diversity. It helps keep our society dynamic as opposed to most of Europe. That plus our capitalistic system helps fuel our economy. This is a place where you can make it big or fail miserably whereas most of Europe is more stable but less dynamic.