Originally Posted by Benito
Yes, ironically said: You are unstoppable indeed. We just would like you to stay at home and be unstoppable there. The USA is not some sort of world-police.
Just curious... Where in Europe are you? Because I used to work with an old German gentleman and as he put it, American tanks don't make as much noise as Russian tanks. And I suppose that many other Europeans saw Germany as being unstoppable until the allies turned the Nazis back.
Originally Posted by Benito
but European people think that Americans are ignorant, sometimes even stupid (which was demonstrated by the answers I got and it is also demonstrated by your filmindustry). The education in USA is poor. Seaver even thought that we pay 60% in taxes here! Many of you speak only one or two languages, you even have illiteracy - something we don't have at all in my country.
I think the answers you are refering to were intended to be sarcastic as the posters saw your original post as being ignorant. Look at some of the other posts these people you view as ignorant have made. Their response I believe they felt was on par with the worth of your question. And education here as anywhere will only give back what you put into it. Seaver's or anyone's assesment of European tax rates is not a measurement of education. American colleges have students from all over the globe so there are those who do not share your views on American colleges. And I doubt that there are not illiterate people where you are.
Originally Posted by Benito
There the worldopinion is united; Bush is the stupidest politician there is in the world. He is called "Hitler" in Germany.
Hitler? That statement would make me wonder if anyone in Germany even knew who Hitler was except that I believe this is your opinion more than fact. My son just returned from Iraq and despite what you see in the news there are even people there that don't hate Bush.
Originally Posted by Benito
Still nobody has convinced me that USA is great.
And nobody will here. You don't want convinced. And that is why some of the other posters that you assumed as ignorant and uneducated didn't invest a great deal of time in trying to convince you.
Originally Posted by raveneye
Let's see:
-- cheap wall racks at KMart for displaying all 35 of my rifles and 22 pistols;
-- if you're black you can get free room and board in government housing just for walking down the street
-- lawn bowling year around in Florida
-- home entertainment centers so entertaining you can forget to vote!
-- with the war, business is booming
-- lots of hispanics that don't mind losing hands and feet in dangerous, low paying jobs
-- lots and lots of clean, well-trimmed suburbs, great for raising kids!
-- ever since 9/11, more folks vote Republican! To be Republican is to be free.
-- since 9/11 there seem to be terrorists on every street corner, but Jesus is coming soon, and he'll take care of them!
[john wayne]You left out how much better things are now that Indians no longer attack cars on the Oklahoma interstates.[/john wayne]