Ummm, our last 2 pets that we had to euthanize (one for feline leukemia and one for a collapse of the fluid sac surrounding the lungs-my favorite cat ever) were both put down for about 5 cents a piece. It's been done that way for hundreds of years, and quite frankly I don't see the difference between one method of euthanization and another, provided they are both painless. This may sound a bit heartless, but it's not a hard shot to make provided that the shooter has at least some shooting experience (my dad doesn't even own a scope and he hit dead on both times) because if your pet is in that much pain it probably won't move. The key is to get somebody you can trust to do it and make sure you can't hear the shot. It is all painless to the animal, and your pet doesn't even have to bother it while transporting it to the vet.
"I'm telling you, we need to get rid of a few people or a million."