Originally Posted by Martian
Remember, I told you she had a choice to make? Whether she wanted to take a risk? Well, sounds like she made it.
Sorry. I know that you're hurting, but try to see the positives : you've learned a lot about how to approach a girl, you've been rejected and now you know it's not the end of life. The next one will be that much easier.
Thanks for your understanding. I did learn alot, and a whole lot of what NOT to do either
Actually, today I was pretty down most of it, especially since I IM'ed her and asked about it and she stonewalled me with one-liners and obviously was playing a fucking game. Wow, even newb girls have this shit ingrained in them. I just wanted to talk.
My other good friend talked some sense into me, and I'm all good now

Hahaha actually I'm alot better than before. Whew, live and learn. This girl won't get MY second chance. HAHAAH.
Thanks alot for all your help Martian. Although it didn't work out, I really learned alot. From Mantus too. I'm very grateful you guys were able to support me the whole way, and really, I took your advices to heart (with my own judgment mixed in, of course) and have now become all the better for it.
I hope that others can learn from this thread, my experience, and you guys' advice, too..