I don't think she needs your help as much as you think she does. If she really wants to do this, she will do it with or without you.
You can help her mentally, though. I am going through what she is, and I know that I need the mental help. Here is what I mean.
If you go shopping with her and she complains about nothing fitting her, try helping her pick something out. She can find clothes that hide her weight. This is where you come in- be honest with her. Telling her that something looks better on her, and meaning it, will help. It will boost her self esteem and get her in a better mood.
Call her bluff- when she says I am going to diet and excersize, goad her on. Go to the grocery store and buy some health food. Tell her to get outside and walk around the block. If she knows that you are going to call her bluff, she will either stop saying it or start doing it.
Ask her about her progress. Ask her what she ate that day, how much activity she got in, and so on.
Have things ready for her. When she gets off work, have some work out clothes set aside and be ready to go for a bike ride with her or for a walk with her.
Reward her when she does accomplish something. Tell her that when she loses ten pounds, the two of you will go out and get matching tats, or bracelets, or something else that she might like.
If she sees that you aren't just going to sit back and wait for her to lose the weight, but really push her mentally to do so, she will be more apt to do this.
But remember to do all of these things without making it seem like YOU want her to lose the weight. Let her know that you are only trying to make her happy and make things easier on her.
You don't know from fun.