I just gotta chim in here. And i'm not gonna sugar coat or say what is "expected". I dont see you driving home drunk, and by your explaination doesn't sound like you were very "drunk" to begin with, as being any sort of a problem. Sure it might have scared you and you might have learned a lesson, but I have a problem with everybody sounding all self rightous and lectureing people not to do it.. I've driven drunk many times back in my parting days. I couldnt take a taxi as I live a very rural community. no taxis.. And i was scared of being late for curfew, that I openly took the risk of driving drunk and not sleeping in my car. Point is.. does it make it right? no, probally not. But poeple do things for very different reasons, so I hate it when people get on their high horse and make all these generalizations about a situation. If i were at a .04 I wouldnt think twice about not driving. Hell thats probally what i would blow after going to the bars for a few hours and having 3-4 drinks. So back on point. I would give this girl some space.. let her get it out of her system and then try to contact her and apologize Don't keep trying to apologize and become her bitch. nobody likes a pushover.