Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Here on my university campus they don't hand out comic books...no, they put up huge photographs in the quad of aborted fetuses alongside Holocaust victims, and announce that abortion=Holocaust. Granted, there is a warning outside of the quad about the graphic photos, but as it is a main traffic path through the university, it's rather hard to get around. There's also another group around here that on every anniversary of Roe v. Wade they put hundreds of white crosses in the quad's lawn. That also annoys me--I can't help but think what they're doing to our lawn. Ugh.
Yeah the group I mentioned does the same thing. They set up on the college campus in the morning with the signs (most of which are photochopped) where they and bored college students have a good time making mutual asses of each other. Then in the afternoon they put the signs away, pull out the comic books, and head for the elementary school in time for dismissal.