Originally Posted by Redlemon
Here's seven of them. Most never made it to the air. I have no idea where they were going with this campaign, it just died. Great stuff, though. I was sure that the following Super Bowl would have more Terry Tate, but it didn't. And what did it have to do with Reebok?
MilkandCookies - Office Linebacker Terry Tate
I'm liking these a lot.
Did anyone else pick up on the "Cover sheet on the TPS reports" line? I love an Office Space reference. My middle school students used to think I had an obsession with my Swingline Stapler; they were allowed to borrow the crappy one the school provided, by the Swingline stayed on my desk or else!
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert