Originally Posted by leftyderek
Oh my girlfriend's a righty but we hold hands with our 'good' arm (sounds like the other one's missing or something  )- it just feels weird to hold something so important with my less important hand, so I always prefer holding hers with my left. Guess she thinks similar... so when we treat ourselves as one person... hm, we are... majorly handicapped? 
That's sweet.
See lefties even think different.
All sweet and stuff.
Got the romance going,
Just look at Isaac Hayes.
I am thinking her hand is NICE.
It's important, no doubt about it.
But there are other parts that are NICE-ER.
You know what I mean.
So like, the if an oportunity ever came to go for the nice-er parts.
I don't wana be fumblin' it up with my left hand.
Poke her eye out or some jazz like that.
Won't live that down.