Originally Posted by ratbastid
I like where you're looking, Ustwo. I think you're dead on that our education system is designed to feed labor into the workforce, not to empower individuals to become financially independant (or even financially solvent).
There's certainly an element of ditch digging involved. If everybody got
it, it would be harder to manage.
And where does the education end? Society is continually exposed to advisors encouraging debt and depletion, not wealth building. It starts before K and goes long after higher ed.
To me the question of "who" is as much "which face of who?" Is it face-to-face over coffee, in a book, at a seminar, or maybe a product advertisement? Those who have attained substantial wealth generally hold positions that allow multiple forms of interaction, though the message varies by audience. It's rare I have coffee with these people.
I'm trying to think of anyone I trust that tfp'ers would know. Empty well. I trust greenspan to be a financial geek (in a good way). He's very concerned with big-picture finances, pressured many times by politics. I expect politicians to be very concerned with personal (and allies') financial health, pressured many times by big-picture finances. If I'm reading or watching something, consuming any form of media, I assume the material is massaged by motives and put on my tinfoil hat.