Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
I don't think it is routine that gets us down, it is the lack of stimulation. For me, I am constantly trying to learn something new. Even if I fit it in during the same time slot, I no longer feel like I am biding time until retirement.
Just the same way our brain inherently categorizes information for us, and creates this sense of organization, well, we have routines for the same purpose. Creating expectations out of yourself and being able to accomplish them timely provides a sense of success. After all, little successes generate bigger ones...As little and trivial as a task that's regularly done may seem, it still gets done. I can imagine how confusing it can become to wake up without a routine, even a small one...Waking up daily, brushing your teeth, having your coffee, etc.. well those are routines that seem almost unnatural not to have.
Like Cim says, the problem isn't having a routine, it's in the complete lack of spontaneity. Once you allow a routine to consume you, you thwart yourself into this dull, repetitive motion..It is always possible to find a happy medium. Hell, say you go home and the wife has dinner made for you practically every night..one of those nights why not treat her to a dinner made by you, cheezy candlelight and all? It's sufficient to pull you guys out of routine enough to appreciate the gesture but doesn't change how things generally are.