Talking about handwriting, I have spent some time on developing my own hand writing style- I do have a messy handwriting but I am satisfied with it. Some people told me it looks cool while some just said it's a total mess. I like the uniqueness of it- most righties' handwritings are neater but more boring in a sense. I know a left handed girl whose handwriting looks EXACTLY like a 3rd grader (and she loves to takes notes in color pencils or crayons), and I think it's so sweet

At least when I posted/left hand written notes on a notice board (in a small community of around 200 students in my high school in Norway) or on peoples' desks, I didn't really have to sign it since left handers' handwritings are more recognizable and unique anyway- think this as an advantage!
About adaptation. (the movie is great btw), I actually try to use my left to do as many thing as possible while sometimes I do have impulses to learn to use my right- I learned to use chopsticks equally well (well I'm chinese...) with both hands. I learned that when I was small, after my Dad (born lefty, raised righty under violence of his father) kept switching hands during one dinner.
When I was still at 'home' in Hong Kong, I loved to switch hands suddenly during dinner just to make the family feel confused.
Once during dinner mom was like, 'Derek... I thought you were left handed...'
*me switches back to left hand*
And I went, 'you were just hallucinating mom...'
Oh about my father raised righty under violence. I think this happens mostly in Asia, probably China since we only use one hand to hold our eating tool- the chopsticks.
So when the family sits at the table, enjoying some nice rice and steamed fish, the lefty would ALWAYS elbow the person on his/her left. And of course, it's considered very impolite, so some old-fashioned fathers tried to train their kids through conditioning. Punishments (for my father) include getting whipped with chopsticks on his left (yes, they are powerful weapons- trust me it hurts), no dinner, face smacked hard... my dad told me that he got a wooden chair thrown at him once. The horror, the horror.
Sadly I never got the chance to have a meal with Grandpa- heavy drinking didn't make him last long. I was told he died when I was around 2 years old or something. I was also told that as a pretty bad tempered and violent man, he behaved completely different when he held me in his arms- so I always wonder what kind of person he ACTUALLY is/was/would be.
Luckily my dad is a rather understanding person (in most cases) and let me grow up as a jolly lefty boy.