I wouldn't drink it (although it seems interesting to stay like a 19-year-old forever) but I'd share it.
I can see it getting a little bit boring after a million years, seeing the same thing, same sort of people, same changes happening again and again.
When changes becomes so boring that you don't feel the thrill of it, there isn't really any point anymore I guess. Also when you know there won't be a litmit for your lifespan, you won't treasure it that much. A immortal would probably say, 'well I still have [infinite] years to live, I can try that later...' The satisfaction of doing EVERY single thing just decreased by half if one knows s/he is not going to die...
Then again somebody would like to give it a shot (and remain bored to death- oh wait- ), so I wouldn't mind drawing the little map to the fountain for those. Probably one of those drinkers would publish a book called 'When death becomes a jolly event' or 'When changes don't change anymore' and become a bestseller.
-Imagine how beautiful the world would be if we could only do things for the first-and-last time. Imagine this is the last time you would ever be able to imagine. Imagine that.
-Die Lust der Zerstörung ist gleichzeitig eine schaffende Lust.
-...and god said
and there was light...