Originally Posted by AVoiceOfReason
It takes more faith to believe there was no designer than to accept there was one, be it the God revealed in the Bible, space aliens, or whatever.
I heard an analogy the other day that I liked: Believing the world, with its ecosystem, and people, with their biological systems, just evolved from nothing is a bit like believing the dictionary on your shelf came from an explosion at a printing factory. It takes a WHOLE lot of faith to accept something like that.
I've seen this argument before. It's fundamentally flawed. Saying that there must be a god because it would be very improbable for the world to be this way randomly is a circular argument, and shows a lack of understanding of math. ALL outcomes of the universe were equally improbable before the universe started. By that I mean, if the laws of the universe were totally different from what they are today, we would still be sitting here saying "wow, isn't that improbable!"
Richard Feynman put it best - Today I was driving and I saw a license plate, AGN-934. That's amazing! Of all the possible license plates I could have seen, I saw that one. That's too improbable to be random - it must have been divine intervention!
As you can see, that concept is silly.