Originally Posted by kutulu
Therefore, if you want to have three kids, you would want to be married by age 25.
Yeah, I don't know of many people who know how many kids they want, let alone with whom they want to have kids (if at all), by age 25. I still don't know for sure, but damn that biological clock for forcing me to think about it practically. (I am 26 and in the middle of a PhD.)
The idea of having any kids after 34 is unpleasant to me (esp. because I want to be an energetic mom who will be young enough to travel with my kids and take them on all manner of outdoor activities), which if I want to have 2 or 3, puts me the late 20's for starting to have kids. And, subtract the 2-3 years of being married and not having anyone small running around the house... well, yeah. No wonder I've become such a flippin' headcase about the future lately... I feel all kinds of pressure. :P Goddamn ovaries.