Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Actually, getting married at 24 or younger increases your chances of divorce *dramatically.* As to why, well, there could be lots of reasons, but there is no question about it, people who get married at 24 or younger are many times more likely to get a divorce.
Remember that statistics apply to groups, not individuals.
One thing I never thought of is about is how your decision on whether or not to have kids and how many kids you want should play a role in when a good time to get married is.
Say you want to not have to worry about financialy supporting anyone else in any way after about age 60.
With a kid you have a minimum committment of 18 years of full support. Also consider that you want about 3 years as a newlywed couple that can be entirely devoted to the two of you (before you are even pregnant). Therefore you need to be married no later than 38.
What if you want to be there to pay for college? Take it back another 4-5 years, now you are at 33. What about pitching in for a wedding? Move it back about 2 years, now you are at 31. Help them out with a down payment on a house? 2 more years, 29.
Based on this, if you only want 1 kid and be free of financial obligations to him by age 60 you would want to married no later than 29. I'd say that for each additional child, you'd want to give yourself about 2 years between births. Therefore, if you want to have three kids, you would want to be married by age 25.
You know what is funny about that? It was totally unintentional, but assuming 5 years for college and two years afterwards to date and be engaged, your kids would also be 25 when they get married. Scary, isn't it?